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University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

  • English
  • Sinhala
  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Terms of Reference


  • To serve as a consultative forum that can effectively address issues of learning, teaching, research and staffing in Fine Arts at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels in Sri Lankan universities coming under the purview of the UGC.
  • To assist in the formulation and dissemination of polices, practices and procedures and to initiate actions on policy directions issued by the UGC from time to time and take steps to implement prescribed initiatives, programmes and activities at Institute/Faculty/Department and Unit level.
  • To evaluate proposals submitted by Institutes/Faculties/Departments and Units teaching Fine Arts with respect to curricular reforms and curriculum for new study programmes and submit recommendations to the Commission.
  • To propose timely changes in curriculum, evaluation and revision in Fine Arts study programmes.
  • To encourage creation and dissemination of avenues for research and publication.
  • To promote research, innovations and outreach programmes of regional/national importance.
  • To promote networking and strategic partnerships between HEIs, National and Regional Institutions involved in Performing and Fine Arts.
  • To evaluate proposals submitted by Universities/Faculties/Institutes for the establishment of new Department/Units and submit recommendations to the Commission.
  • To function as a catalytic unit to promote new initiatives and reforms to improve and advance quality and relevance of teaching/learning/research both undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes on Performing and Fine Arts and convey to the Commission for consideration.
  • To frame guidelines for planning of new undergraduate degree programmes, namely, a) ways and means of evaluating need and demand, b) qualification descriptors specific to the degree programme, c) graduate profile, d) structure of the study programme, e) credit & qualification framework for degree programmes in Fine Arts, f) intended learning outcome of the degree programmes, g) intended learning outcome of courses and modules, and h) assessment procedures.

Members Information

Membership Name Designation Institute
Chairman  Prof. Premakumara de Silva Commission Member & Chairman to the Standing Committee University Grants Commission
Secretary Ms. Chamini Gunawardena Senior Assistant Secretary/Academic Affairs University Grants Commission
Prof. W M P Sudarshana Bandara Head/Department of Fine Arts/Faculty of Arts University of Peradeniya (PDN)
Prof. S. Raguram Dean/Faculty of Arts University of Jaffna (UJA)
Dr. Saman Panapitiya Dean/Faculty of Music University of Visual and Performing Arts (UVPA)
Dr. Saman Kumarathunga Dean/Faculty of Dance and Drama University of Visual and Performing Arts (UVPA)
Dr. Amali Nisansala Perera Head/Department of Performing Arts Sri Palee Campus
Dr. Bharathy Kennedy Director Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies
Dr. P. Elango QAC representative/Director/IQAC Eastern University, Sri Lanka (EUSL)
Dr. Rathitharan Kairethsu Head/Department of Fine Arts/Faculty of Arts University of Jaffna (UJA)
Mr. Jagath Ravindra Dean/Faculty of Visual Arts University of Visual and Performing Arts (UVPA)
Mr. T.L.D.De Silva Head/Department of Fine Arts /Faculty of Humanities University of Kelaniya (KLN)
Mr. Priyantha Thilakasiri Head/ Department of Music and Creative Technology/Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Sri Jayawardenepura (SJP)
Mr. K. Ravichandran Head/Department of Fine Arts/ Faculty of Arts & Culture Eastern University, Sri Lanka (EUSL)
Prof. Samantha Herath Journalism Unit UGC nominee (CMB)
Dr. N. Ravibandhu Vidyapathy Traditional Dancer, Choreographer, percussionist and Composer UGC nominee
Dr. Subhashini Padmanadan Visiting Lecturer UGC nominee
Mr. S.Sivarubantd Dean/Sir Ponnambalam Ramantahn Faculty of Performing and Visual Arts University of Jaffna (UJA)
Prof. Kolitha Bhanu Dissnayake Music Composer University of Visual and Performing Arts (UVPA)

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