University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

  • English
  • Sinhala
  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Teaching of English as a Second Language

Terms of Reference


The UGC is empowered by Section 4(2) of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 to appoint, as and when required, Standing Committees for specific purposes, consisting of such members and with such powers, duties and functions as may be determined by the Commission. Accordingly, a Standing Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Standing Committee on TESL”) is hereby established by the UGC with powers, duties and functions hereafter mentioned.


a) Membership of the Standing Committee is determined by UGC.

  1.   The Standing Committee shall consist of a Chairman, who shall be a Member of the Commission and not less than six other members, all of whom shall be appointed by UGC;
  2.   Deans of Faculties where the subject-related academic programmes are offered, Heads of Departments where there is only a Department instead of a Faculty, and relevant Directors of Institutes affiliated to universities shall be ex officio members of the Standing Committee.
  3. UGC shall appoint a number of other members who are distinguished in the field of study as members of the Standing Committee.

c) UGC shall appoint an Officer from UGC Staff as Secretary of the Standing Committee and who shall be responsible for the custody of the records and the property of the Standing Committee and who shall convene meetings of the Committee as directed by the Chairman and maintain Minutes of Meetings of the Standing Committee.

d). Every member of the Standing Committee including the Chairman, shall, unless he vacates office earlier, hold office for a period of three years reckoned from the date of his appointment, and shall, unless removed from office, be eligible for reappointment. Provided, however, ex officio members shall hold office as long as they hold the office of the Head of the Faculty/Department /Director of an Institute.

Operating Procedure

a) The Chairman of the Standing Committee shall preside at all meetings of the Standing Committee. In the absence of the Chairman from any meeting of the Standing Committee, another member shall preside at such a meeting as pro tem Chairman.

b) The quorum for a meeting of the Standing Committee shall be four members.

c) The Standing Committee shall meet as often as necessary, and in any case not less than once in every two months, at such time and at UGC Office or any other place as the Chairman may determine in consultation with other members, and shall, observe such rules of procedure with regard to the transaction of business. However, in the event, it is not physically met; the Standing Committee may meet by Virtual Meeting through electronically.

d) Decision-making will be by consensus but subject to approval by the Commission.

e) The progress of the Standing Committee will be reviewed every 6 months to address outstanding issues at the Management Committee or at the Commission level.

Objectives of the Standing Committee

a) to provide strategic guidance and policy directions to shape the relevant field of study at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels to suit evolving educational needs and standards and to address contemporary national and global challenges with a strong sense of social responsibility and the highest ethical standards.

b) to ensure the highest standards among university academics who will in turn enhance the field of study.

c) to encourage research among both academics and students which will have significant social, knowledge and economic impact and assist national policy making.

d) to identify and facilitate the acquisition and availability of resources, both human and otherwise required to enhance the quality of the said field of study in the country.

5. In order to work towards these objectives, the Standing Committee will pursue the following specific activities: Terms of Reference

a) Initiate actions on policy directions issued by the UGC from time to time and take steps to implement prescribed initiatives, programmes and activities at University/Campus/Institute/Faculty/Department level.

b) To make recommendations to UGC from time to time on the qualifications of members of staff recruited to ensure the highest standards in the relevant Faculties and Departments. Any such proposal may include recommendations on recruitment and promotion of academics to be 3 absorbed in circulars issued by UGC, taking account of the specific demands and needs of education which is a path to enter the profession qualifications.

c) Advise UGC where necessary on maintaining standards through regular review processes.

d) to ensure such undergraduate programmes are globally recognized and accredited where relevant.

e) To work with relevant professional bodies for such recognition and accreditation, sourcing resources, developing education and profession.

f) to promote strategic partnerships with global and national institutions and industry for improvement of quality of education, promote research collaboration and professional practice.

g) Evaluate proposals submitted by Faculties/Departments with respect to curricular reforms and curriculum for new study programs and submit recommendations to UGC.

h) Evaluate proposals submitted by universities for the establishment of new Departments/Faculties and submit recommendations to UGC.

i) Frame guidelines for planning and servicing of new undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs namely, Ways and means of evaluating need and demand, Qualification descriptors specific to the degree program, Graduate profile, Structure of the study program, Credit & qualification framework, intended learning outcome of the degree program, Intended learning outcome of courses and modules, and assessment procedures.

j) Make recommendations to UGC on strengthening research in key areas pertinent to the subject for enhanced social, knowledge and economic impact.

k) Function as a catalytic unit to promote new initiatives, reforms and activities to improve and advance the quality of university education and recommend the same to UGC for its consideration.

l) Supporting and encouraging to develop and implement subject benchmark process.

m) Frame necessary guidance for journal publications in the relevant subject area in order to maintain the quality of those publications.

n) Provide assistance to the relevant Ministries in formulating national policies related to subject discipline through the Commission.

o) Promote necessary awareness programmes through, conferences, workshops, symposia etc. related to developments in the relevant subject area and the profession.

p) Recommending and implementing any other academic matters related to the Standing Committee.


Members Information

Membership Name Designation University/ HEI
Chairman   Commission Member University Grants Commission
Secretary Ms. Tilini Anjana Assistant Secretary/Academic Affairs University Grants Commission
  Dr. Bihimini Abeywickrama Director National Centre for UTEL Testing Services (NCU)-  Chairperson
  Prof. K.P.Hewagamage Director UCSC
  Ms.Shivanee Ilangakoon Head, DELT, Faculty of Arts University of Colombo
  Dr. Jayantha Wannisinghe Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Languages Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo
  Dr.S.Umashankar Head/ DELT, Faculty of Arts and Culture Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  Dr. V.J.Naveenraj Head/ Dept. of Languages and Communication Studies Trincomalee Campus
  Ms. Gevani Prahalathan Head/ DELT/ Faculty of Humanities University of Kelaniya
  Mr. W.M.P.Y.B.Rathnayake Head/ Dept. of Languages, Faculty of Engineering University of Moratuwa
  Dr. Romola Rassool Director, PGIE Open University of Sri Lanka
  Dr. S.A.A.K.Sathrasinghe Head/ DELT/ Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Open University of Sri Lanka
  Dr. P.R.K.A.Vitharana Head, DELT, Faculty of Arts University of Peradeniya
  Dr. S.G.S.Samaraweera Head/DELT/ Faculty of Humanities University of Ruhuna
  Mr. D.A Wehella Head/ DELT/ Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
  Ms. M.I.F. Kareema Head/ DELT/ Faculty of Arts & Culture South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
  Mr. D.L.S. Sarath Ananda Head/DELT /Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences University of Sri Jayawardenapura
  Dr. Lakmini Basnayake Head/ DELT/ Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka
  Dr. K.Sanmuganathan Head, DELT, Faculty of Arts University of Jaffna
  Dr. R.M.S.N.Embogama Head/ DELT/ Faculty of Dance and Drama UVPA
  Dr G.H. Abeyweera Senior Lecturer, DELT/ Dean, Faculty of Management Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
  Dr. G.Jeyaseelan Head/ DELT, Faculty of Business Studies University of Vavuniya
  Mr. Mohan Smanaranayake Head/ DELT, Faculty of Business Studies Wayamba University, Sri Lanka
  Prof. S.A.M.A.N.S. Senanayake Director/ IQAU(Observer) Open University of Sri Lanka

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