27th May 2003.
Vice-Chancellors of Universities,
Rectors of Campuses,
Directors of Institutes.
This Circular has been modifieded by Circular No : 835
Your kind attention is invited to the Schemes of Recruitment of the following posts sent along with my letter No.UGC/HR/2/3/182 dated 26 th February 1999.
- Senior Staff Assistant
- Senior Staff Assistant/Clerical services
- Senior Staff Assistant/Typing
- Senior Staff Assistant/Book-Keeping
- Senior Staff Assistant/Store-keeping
- Senior Staff Assistant/Shroff Services
- Senior Staff Assistant/Library Services
- Senior Staff Assistant/Stenography
- Technical Officer/Special Grade (Re-designated as Staff Technical Officer- Gr.I)
The University Grants Commission at its 633rd meeting held on 05th May 2003 granted approval to amend the existing schemes of recruitment applicable to the above posts with effect from 01.01.2003 by reducing the period from 10 years to 05 years.
The Commission has further decided that those who have already been promoted to the posts of Senior Staff Assistant, Senior Staff Assistant / Clerical Services / Typing / Book-Keeping / Store-Keeping / Shroff Services / Library Services / Stenography / Technical Officer, Special Grade (re-designated as Staff Technical Officer Grade I) and any employee belonged to the above posts who has served 06 years or more in A-05 grade of the relevant post as at the date 01.01.2003 be granted the benefit referred to in para 2 above with retrospective effect by adjusting the date of promotions and salary, provided they satisfy the requirements applicable for promotion, without payment of arrears for the period up to 31.12.2002.
However, the date of promotion cannot be adjusted beyond 01.01.1995 in view of the fact that the scheme of recruitment applicable to the post of Senior Staff Assistant etc. was implemented with effect from 01.01.1995.
The amended Schemes of Recruitment for the posts of Senior Staff Assistant, Senior Staff Assistant Clerical Services / Typing / Book-Keeping / Store-Keeping / Shroff Services / Library Services / Stenography / Staff Technical Officer Grade I are indicated in the annexed schedules together with the evaluation criteria to be used for the structured interview.
Please take action accordingly.
(Prof. B.R.R.N Mendis- Chairman)Cc:
- Chairman/UGC
- Vice-Chairman/UGC
- Members of the UGC
- Secretary/UGC
- Deans of Faculties
- Registrars of Universites
- Financial Controller/UGC
- Bursars of Universities
- Librarians/SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes;
- Snr. Asst.Registrars/Asst.Registrars of HEIs/Campuses
- Snr. Asst.Bursars/Asst.Bursars of HEIs/Campuses
- Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
- Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
- Snr. Asst.Int. Auditors/Asst.Int.Auditors of HEIs
- Secretaries of Trade Unions
- Auditor-General
File No. UGC/HR/2/9/86