23rd August, 2007.
Vice-Chancellors of Universities,
Rectors of Campuses,
Directors of Institutes.
Your kind attention is invited to all previous circulars pertaining to issuing of uniforms and protective clothing to the employees in the University system.
The UGC at its 731st meeting held on 29th March, 2007 having considered the recommendations of the Management Committee decided to provide Protective Shoes to the employees in the following manner:-
(a) the employees who are working in laboratories and experimental fields using chemicals be provided a pair of protective
shoes with soles resistant to acid and oxidative agents.(b) the employees who are working with high power electrical equipment be provided a pair of shoes with soles having good electrical insulation properties. (c) the employees who are involved in field work be provided a pair of water proof shoes which would also protect them from attack by serpents.
The Commission further decided that, the respective University should identify the employees for whom protective shoes are really essential considering the nature of duties handled by them according to above (a), (b) & (c) and the Universities should prepare a list of names of these employees annually including their position, work place and description of work handled by them and submit the same along with the approval of the Council for concurrence of the University Grants Commission.
Please note that a pair of Protective Shoes could be issued to such an employee once in three years after returning the used pair of shoes.
The relevant sections of previous circulars applicable to issuing of uniforms and protective clothing where they are inconsistent with this circular are hereby rescinded. The provisions of this circular are effective from 01.09.2007.
Please take action accordingly.
(Prof. Gamini Samaranayake)
Copies to:
1. Vice-Chairman/UGC
2. Members of the UGC
3. Secretary/UGC
4. Deans of Faculties
5. Registrars of Universities
6 . Financial Controller/UGC
7 . Bursars of Universities
8 . Librarians/SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/ Institutes.
9. Deputy Registrars/ Snr. Asst. Registrars/ Asst. Registrars of Campuses/Institutes
10. Deputy Bursars/ Snr. Asst. Bursars/Asst. Bursars of Campuses/Institutes
11. Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
12. Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
13. Snr. Asst. Int. Auditors/Asst. Int. Auditors of HEIs
14. Secretaries of Trade Unions
15. Auditor-General
File No. UGC/HR/6/1/2