University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

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  • Sinhala
  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Commission Circular No: 724

23rd January, 1998.


Vice-Chancellors of Universities,
Rectors of Campuses,
Directors of Institutes.



Your attention is invited to Commission Circulars No.783 of 84 March 1997 and No.717 of 23 September 1997 issued on the revision of the salaries of the University system in 1997.

(2) The new salaries and the allowances effective in 1998 are given in Tables in Annex II. The following important changes are incorporated in these salary tables:

Of the government approved salary increase, 40% was paid in 1997 and the balance 60% is incorporated in the 1998 salary tables. The column 1998 Salary step in the salary tables incorporates the 60% of the salary increase.
The Backlog Clearing Allowance (BCA) has been replaced by a Monthly Compensatory Allowance (MCA) as approved by the Cabinet on the recommendations of the Salary Anomalies Committee. This new allowance (MCA) is given in a separate column in the salary tables.

(3) Please note that the 1998 salary revision will be implemented on two different dates depending on the salary scale of the employee concerned. Your attention is invited to PE Circular No.127 of 31/12/1997 issued by the Secretary to the Treasury (Annex 1) which states that for officers who were on salary scales with an initial of Rs 7500/month or above in 1997, the salary revision for 1998 should be effected from 01 July 1998. For others (that is those who were on salary scales with an initial of less than Rs 7500/month), the salary revision for 1998 should be effected from 01 January 1998.

(4 ) Accordingly, please take action to implement the annexed salary tables 1998 as follows :

4.1 Category : For employees who had salary scales with an initial step of less than Rs 7500/month in 1997, the salary tables for 1998 should be implemented w.e.f. 01 January 1998. Effective from that date , they will be paid the revised salary given in the relevant table and the Monthly Compensatory Allowance in lieu of the Backlog Clearing Allowance. The employees who have the following salary codes will come under this category

B-09: BS-04
A-0 5: A-05(a ); A-06; A-06(a);A-07;A-08;A-09
A-10: A-11 ;A-12;A-13; A-l4; A-15

Temporary/Daily Paid/Trainee Staff given in the Table 8 .

4.2 Category 2 : For employees who had salary scales with an initial step of Rs 7500/ a month or more in 1997, the salary tables of 1998 should be impemented w.e.f. 01 July 1998. Effective from that date, they wlll paid the revised salary given in the relevant salary table for 1998 and the Monthly Compensatory Allowance in lieu of the Backlog Clearing Allowance. These employees will be paid salary and allowances during 01 January to 30 June 1998 on the same basis as for 1997. The employees who have the following salary codes will belong to this category :

B -01(a), B-01, B -03 , B - 0 3 (a), B-03, B-04(a), B - 0 4, B-05 C-01, C-02, C-03( BS-01,BS- 0 2,BS-03 (A-01, A-01(a)), A-02, A- 0 3, A-03(a). A-03 ( b)). A -0 4, A- 0 4(a)), A- 04(b))Directors of Institutes and Vice - Chancellors : Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary of UGC

(5) Please note the following requirements in respect of the Monthly Compensatory Allowance (MCA) :

5.1 MCA will replace the Backlog Clearing Allowance for employees in Category 1 (as defined in para.4 above) on 01.01.98 and for employees in Category 2 on 01.07.98. For employees in Category 2, the BCA should continue to be paid until 30/06/98.

5.2 NCA is a payment made on personal-to-the-holder basis for those had been paid the Backlog Clearing Allowance in the year 1997. It should not be paid to any one who was not paid the BCA in 1997. New employees recruited in 1998 are not entitled to this allowance.

5.3 When an employee who received the MCA in 1998 is promoted and placed on a higher salary scale, the MCA applicable to the new (higher) salary scale should be paid. However, when an employee is promoted to a higher salary scale in Category 2 (as defined above) , he/she will continue to be paid the BCA that was paid in 1997 up to 30 June 1998 and the MCA relevant to the new salary scale will be paid thereafter.

5.4 MCA should be taken into account for the following purposes

- Contribution to Universities Provident Fund

- Contribution to Employees' Trust Fund

- Payment of Gratuity

- Calculation of the Equalization Allowance for Medical Personnel as stipulated in commission Circular No.709 of 27 June 1997.

(6) Please take steps to pay the salaries and allowances of university employee for 1998 as per this circular. Anomalies, if any, should be brought to the notice of the commission as soon as possible. You may contact Deputy Secretary/Human Resources at UGC (Tel : 2685182) for any clarification.

(Prof. S.TILAKARATNA- Chairman)


  • Chairman/UGC
  • Vice-Chairman/UGC
  • Members of the UGC
  • Secretary / UGC
  • Deans of Faculties
  • Registrars of Universities
  • Financial Controller/UK;
  • Bursars of Universities
  • Librarians /SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes
  • Snr. Asst.Registrars/Asst. Registrars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Snr. Asst. Bursars / Asst. Bur s ars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
  • Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
  • Snr. Asst.Int.Auditors/Asst.Int.Audltors of HEIs
  • Secretaries of Trade Unions
  • Auditor General

File No :UGC /HR/ 2/9/86