You are here: Policy Commission Circulars Circulars Published in 1996 - [657 - 694] Commission Circular No: 679

University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

  • English
  • Sinhala
  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Commission Circular No: 679

07th May 1996

Vice-Chancellors of Universities
Directors of Institutes.
Directors of Affliated University Colleges



Your attention is invited to the schemes of recruitment for the posts of Security Guard (Lower Grade), Security Guard (Higher Grade) and Security Inspector (Grade II).

Having taken into consideration the height requirement stipulated in the scheme of Recruitment of parallel Grades in the Police Department, the University Grants Commission at its 467th meeting has decided to amend the height requirement in the schemes of recruitment for the posts of Security Staff from 5 ' 6" to 5 '4 " . The amended schemes of recruitment for the Posts of Security Guard (Lower Grade), Security Guard (Higher Grade) and Security Inspector Grade II are annexed herewith.

This amendments effective from 01st March 1996.

Please take action accordingly.

(m.a munidasa - acting secretary )


  • Chairman/UGC
  • Vice-Chairman/UGC
  • Members of the UGC
  • Secretary/UGC
  • Deans of Faculties
  • Registrars of Universites
  • Financial Controller/UGC
  • Bursars of Universities
  • Librarians/SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes;
  • Snr. Asst.Registrars/Asst.Registrars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Snr. Asst.Bursars/Asst.Bursars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
  • Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
  • Snr. Asst.Int. Auditors/Asst.Int.Auditors of HEIs
  • Secretaries of Trade Unions
  • Auditor-General

File No: UGC/E/6/3/2