University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

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Commission Circular No: 915

August 25, 2009.

Vice-Chancellors of Universities
Rectors of Campuses
Directors of Institutes



Schemes of Recruitment – Post of Audit Assistant Grade II, Grade I
& Senior Audit Assistant

Your reference is invited to Commission Circular No. 903 of 24 December, 2008 regarding the scheme of recruitment for the post of Audit Assistant Grade II.

The Commission at its 781st meeting held on 04.06. 2009 decided;

  1. to amend the Scheme of Recruitment for the post of Audit Assistant Grade II by substituting the word “Primary” appearing under (b)(i) of qualifications in the Scheme of Recruitment with the word “Preliminary”.
  2. to implement the Schemes of Recruitment for promotional grades for Audit Assistant, Grade I and Senior Audit Assistant as stated in the annexed schedule.

Accordingly, the approved schemes of recruitment for the posts of Audit Assistant Grade II, Grade I and Senior Audit Assistant are sent herewith.

These schemes of recruitment will come into effect from 01.09.2009.

Please take action accordingly.

(Prof. Gamini Samaranayake)

Copies to:

1. Chairman’s Office/UGC
2. Vice-Chairman/UGC
3. Members of the UGC
4. Secretary/UGC
5. Deans of Faculties
6. Registrars of Universities
7. Financial Controller/UGC
8. Bursars of Universities
9. Librarians/SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes
10. Deputy Registrars/Snr. Asst. Registrars/Asst. Registrar of Campuses/Institutes
11. Deputy Bursars/Snr. Asst. Bursars/Asst. Bursars of Campuses/Institutes
12. Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
13. Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
14. Snr. Asst. Int. Auditors/Asst. Int. Auditors of HEII
15. Secretaries of Trade Unions
16. Auditor-General

File No. UGC/HR/2/3/235

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