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University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

  • English
  • Sinhala
  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Finance Circular Letter No. 10/2007

14th December, 2007

Vice-Chancellors  of Universities,
Directors of Institutes,
Rectors of Campuses.



1. According to the Draft Estimates for 2008 submitted by the Higher Educational Institutions, the UGC requested Treasury funds for the following expenditure:-

(a)     Recurrent Budget

Personal Emoluments                                                           8,823,386
Other Recurrent expenses                                                  4,432,180
Internal Income                                                                  650,363
Government Contribution requested 12,605,203

(b)     Capital Budget

Building Constructions                                                         8,576,630
Rehabilitation of Assets                                                      1,654,528
Acquisition of Fixed Assets                                               3,066,832
Government Contribution requested                    13,297,990

2. After discussions held with the Treasury, the following Government Contributions were approved.


(a)    Recurrent Budget

Personal Emoluments                                                            7,650,000
Other Recurrent expenses                                                   3,980,000
Internal Income                                                                  650,000
Government Grant                                                      10,980,000

(b) Capital Budget

Construction of Buildings                                                       3,100,000
Rehabilitation of Assets                                                             800,000
Acquisition of Fixed Assets                                                    1,400,000
Government Grant                                                          5,300,000

3. The University Grants Commission, at its   meetings held on  22nd November and 13th December   2007, approved the allocation of the above grants among the Higher Educational Institutions having considered their individual requirements and priorities.

4. In deciding on the allocations, special consideration was given to the following:-

(a)     speedy completion of continuing projects.

(b)     increasing  hostel accommodation for students.

(c)     development of regional Universities to expand their capacity and to provide  facilities for a larger intake of students.
(d)     providing  access to new degree programmes.

(e)     recreational and welfare facilities of students.

5. Recurrent grant

(a)    The Provision for salaries & wages has been calculated based on the actual salaries paid in September 2007, with a mark up for annual increments.

(b)    Provision for the payment of the cost of living allowance has been included at Rs. 2,500/- p.m.   Supplementary allocations will be sought if the allowance is revised in 2008.

(c)    A block allocation for filling of cadre vacancies has been retained with the UGC.  Allocations will be released to the HEIs on requests, for  which  a summary of approved cadre vacancies to be filled together with approximate cost of personal emoluments, payable during 2008, should be submitted to the UGC.  Allocations should be sought only for the required period, and not on an ad-hoc basis.

(d)     Special allocations  have been included for the relevant HEIs for additional intake, for new degree programmes, and for special projects.

(e)     The Open University has been provided a grant sufficient to cover the cost of personal emoluments, plus an additional Rs. 20 m. to cover part of its non-salary expenses.

(f)     The UGC has retained Rs.50 million for PhD and M.Phil grants of the    NCAS and  Rs. 15 m. for the Research Promotion Centre,  which will be released in instalments, according to their  cash flow requirements.

6. Capital grant

(a)     Construction of Buildings

82 continuation projects and 24 new projects have been  included for  funding in 2008.  Only the projects which have been approved by the  Department of  National Planning/Cabinet of Ministers have been funded in 2008.

All HEIs  are kindly advised not to commit funds for building constructions in excess of allocated funds,  or to commit funds for projects which have not been approved.

(b)     Rehabilitation of Assets

A block allocation has been provided for 2008.  The HEIs. may distribute the allocation among the categories of assets, viz. buildings & structures, machinery & equipment, vehicles, other assets, and prepare their capital budgets accordingly.

Funds allocated for rehabilitation works should not be utilized for construction projects, without the prior approval of the Treasury.

(c)    Acquisition of Fixed Assets

A block allocation has been provided for 2008.  HEIs may distribute the funds among the  categories of assets , viz: furniture, lab & teaching equipment, books & periodicals and sports goods and prepare their capital budgets accordingly.

7. The funds allocated to your Institution are shown in the Annex.

8. Please submit the Budget for 2008 in the annexed formats (Annexes A,B,C) ,  on or before the 7th January 2008, with copies to the Treasury.


Prof. S. V. D. G. Samaranayake


  1. Chairman/UGC
  2. Vice-Chairman/UGC
  3. Secretary/UGC
  4. Financial Controller
  5. Director/IDD/UGC
  6. Registrars of Universities
  7. Bursars of Universities
  8. SAR/AR/ of Institutes/Campuses
  9. SAB/AB/ of Institutes/Campuses
  10. Accountant/UGC
  11. Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
  12. Snr. Asst. Accountant/UGC
  13. Snr. Asst. Secretary/Supplies & Administration/UGC
  14. Auditor General
  15. Govt. Audit Superintendent/UGC
  16. Govt. Audit Superintendent/Universities


Download ( MS Excel Format ): Budget 2008



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